They often say that to build your brand to a level that's respectable for user consumption, and ultimately profitable, requires relentless consistency. This tenacity holds even on the days when the last thing you want to do is post. Yet, you must adhere to a routine. For years, I've walked this beaten path, only to find myself in a space where the same narrative doesn't resonate anymore. There's a yearning to post when the spirit moves me, with each share carrying substantial value, sparking thoughtful conversations, entertaining, informing, or simply serving as an enjoyable interlude in someone's day.
Over the years, I've attempted to construct a few brands, each with their unique target market - football and the arts, to name a few. If we're cutting to the chase, both fell short of success, serving instead as a breeding ground for 'ninetyfree'. These experiences led me to a sweet spot where I could amalgamate all my interests, devoid of rigid structures, but bolstered by specific pillars that guide my curatorial journey.
Let's not skirt around the fact that burnout is real. Life tends to nudge its way in, making the delicate act of aligning your personal pursuits with your professional life feel like walking a tightrope. Often, one aspect must make concessions for the other. Now, as I find myself at this crossroads, life's juggling act is taking its toll.
However, I consider myself fortunate. My journey through the valleys of failed brands led to the mountain peak of a professional career as a digital consultant within sport. It's proven to be a fruitful climb, leveraging the skills I learned along the way. Despite the accomplishments in my career, a part of me still feels a tug, perhaps dissatisfaction, as my personal endeavors are pushed to the sidelines.
The quest to strike a balance continues to be an uphill battle, but then again, aren't we all in pursuit of a dream? A dream that our personal projects, one day, will become our primary source of sustenance. The journey towards that goal is as beautiful as it is challenging.
There may come a day when I look back at this post, a knowing smile on my face, thinking, 'Yeah, I got it right.' Until then, my consistency as a curator may fluctuate. Follow my journey at your own risk - my next post could be next week, next year, or any unpredictable moment in between. What I can promise you though, is that I won't stop. I just can't.